How to be an Everyday Hero for Yourself

“I feel highly confident that once you invest in a copy of The Everyday Hero Manifesto and take small steps each day to make the information a part of your work and personal life, your life will rise to a whole new level of success, beauty, serenity and service to many.” — Robin Sharma

In Robin Sharma’s interview with Kristina Karlsson on her podcast, Your Dream Life with Kristina Karlsson, he shares real ideas and powerful methods to lean into your fears to become the Everyday Hero you are destined to be.

In this episode you will learn:

  • why your past doesn’t need to prescribe your future
  • how to reconnect with your highest self in a messy world
  • insights on how to deal with + resolve trauma
  • daily rituals + hypergrowth habits to handcraft a rich life
  • the power of small, daily acts of micro-bravery to shift from victimhood to heroism

Listen to the full episode here:

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